P-06-1351 To bring in availability of heart-screening for all 11-35yr olds who play Sport, Correspondence – British Heart Foundation to Committee, 05.09.23


I’m just writing to send some evidence on heart screening which I hope will be useful to the committee in considering the above petition.


It is true that sudden cardiac death has a devastating impact on families across the UK. Unfortunately, heart screening is far too inaccurate and not yet at a scientific level of precision to accurately predict the risk of sudden cardiac death.


The UK National Screening Committee currently recommends a targeted genetic testing of family members of people at risk of sudden cardiac death. Effective implementation of this guidance may help to prevent sudden cardiac death in some groups of people who are at high risk.


The BHF is always reviewing the evidence on heart screening and will continue to keep the Committee informed of any developments. But unfortunately at the moment heart screening is just too inaccurate.


I have attached a fact sheet on heart screening for your information..


All the best,

Gemma Roberts


Policy and Public Affairs Manager

British Heart Foundation Cymru